I finally got to do a photo shoot with horses! I love horses and always have since my mother started sending me to Colorado every summer since 5th grade to visit family that lived there. At first I didn't want to go. I had no friends and was way older than my cousin so I thought it would be horrible. Soon enough I was set up with riding lessons to keep me occupied and that is where it all began. I developed such a love for these huge but gentle giants immediately, and the fact that I could ride them and actually have coordination to do so made me quite proud of myself. I eventually started barrel racing or learning to I should say, but the older I got and further along into my high school years I stopped going out to Colorado and then eventually stopped riding all together. So sad. These days I don't even know if I would be able to ride or even know what I would be doing, but I still have a dream of having a horse one day. Cross your fingers for me please :-)
Also- side note- I am not a model by any means or with an agency or anything, but sometimes my friends will ask me to help them out with photo shoots and of course I love doing it. It's always an adventure and you meet so many wonderful people along the way. So this day was no different . . .
My good friend Lindsey invited me to do a photo shoot for her "Fall Look Book" for her school project and decided to go with an Equestrian theme. Lindsey is a fashion student at CSULB and also a swimsuit designer for Tavik Swimwear.
Look 1
Look 2
Look 3
Look 4
Look 5
Look 6
Aaannnnnnd that's a wrap!!!!
Photo shoot director: Lindsey Heppner. See her blog here
Photographer: Mike Carreiro. Website here
Stylist: Bre Tharaldson. Owner of Redux Ritual (recycled clothing into new clothing-amazing stuff people)
Jewelry made by: Stephanie-creator and owner of Lili Claspe
Hope you enjoyed the photo shoot!